About ADES
ADES (Academy of Dental Esthetics and Sciences) was formed in early 2014 as Cusp Dental Laboratory’s new educational division. The academy conducts unique seminars, hands-on workshops and provides CE credits as a continuation of a dedicated platform for educational advancement.
In order to close the communication gap between dentists and laboratories, Kimiyo Sawyer gave her first lecture in 2007 “Guidelines for Successful Laboratory Communications”, in 2009 lectured on “Laboratory Procedures, Communication and Responsibility” and in 2010 she expanded her lecture subjects to materials and technologies from a laboratory perspective.
ADES offers an intimate group setting in which attendees gain invaluable professional insights on three critical areas: communication, fabrication and cementations.
Ponte Vedra Beach Resorts was selected as a premiere seminar location to combine intense education with an entertaining vacation for golf and beach enthusiasts. Participants gain multiple academic advantages attending well programmed seminars and hands-on learning from course speakers including world renowned Dr. Gerard J. Chiche, Dr. Markus B. Blatz, Dr. Ariel J. Raigrodski and well-respected dental technicians Mr. Aki Yoshida, RDT, Mr. Michael Bergler, MDT and Ms. Kimiyo Sawyer, RDT along with master technicians from Cusp Dental Laboratory, MA.
Ms. Sawyer became a registered dental technician in 1983 when she received her accreditation from the College of Dental Technology at Aichi Gakuin University School of Dental Medicine in Nagoya, Japan. In 1990, she earned a Bachelor of Science in from Healthcare Management from South Illinois University. With Cusp Dental since 1990, Kimiyo Sawyer became the president of Cusp Dental Laboratory in 2007. She is co-author of “Material Science and Laboratory Procedure for PFM and All Ceramic for Posterior Teeth” published by QDT in 2013, and co-author of “Requirements, Communication, and Avoiding Guesswork for Successful Esthetic Results” published in the ACP Messenger 2013.